Hey everyone, we just want to say that YOU matter. You will always matter to somebody more than you could ever know. We in The Madness Collective and our neighbour servers The Builders Sanctuary of Dreams & Unrivalled Chaos want to let everybody know that we’re all there for you. You can reach us via direct message or post in our community chats.
There will always be someone who cares and wants to help. Please, please reach out to somebody, anybody. We have the kindest and most amazing group of people and I have zero doubts that every single one of us would help anyone in their time of need.
Many of us have struggled with depression and some of us are still in the midst of depression but even if not for yourself, carry on carrying on for the people around you and learn from them how much love there is in the world.
Just remember, you matter.
– Parra & the TMC team
My Experience
4 years ago I was at the lowest point I had been as were many people during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. I went weeks without speaking to anyone outside of work and was spiralling into the cold arms of depression. The simplest 2 words turned out to be potentially the most important 2 words of my life. “Hello There”.
I joined a Minecraft server run by the Minecraft YouTuber Iskall85 and met some of the best people that I’ve ever known and without them, I have no idea where I would be. They gave me the courage to keep going and now I run the TMC discord and whenever I need a chat there is always someone there. The same goes for The Builders Sanctuary of Dreams and Unrivalled Chaos, both of these servers I can fully endorse and are filled with even more utterly amazing people.
How to tell when you are struggling
A friend sent me this and it shined a light on my state of mind. Sometimes we just carry on going with what we’re used to thinking it’s normal but then you can see things like the below and realise that you’re not doing as okay as you thought.
Your mental health is so important and anything we can do to make that better, even if it’s just the little things like checking in with each other from time to time, a quick voice call, venting to a friend or the whole community. We encourage letting out your frustrations when you can because bottling everything up long-term is just not healthy and I am 100% speaking from experience.
If you don’t feel comfortable enough to talk to us, please talk to someone. I’ve linked some major charities that deal with helping people in need
UK: https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan
USA: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ & https://988lifeline.org/
NL: https://www.113.nl/
IN: https://1life.org.in/
CZ: https://www.linkabezpeci.cz/
If you are in a country not listed above you can find more contact information listed here for the main charities in your region; Wikipedia of Suicide Helplines